Clinical Laserthermia Systems är verksamma inom bioteknik. Bolagets vision är att utveckla och effektivisera behandlingen av solida cancertumörer, där bolaget är försäljare av sterila patientkit. Produkterna används i diverse cancerbehandlingar som vid behandling av malignt melanom, samt cancer i lungor, lever och bukspottkörtel.


2020-08-24 · LUND, Sweden, Aug. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB (publ) (CLS), developer of innovative image-guided laser ablation technology for minimally invasive soft tissue and

(bn) EUR 0.03/SEK 0.28 Website Next report date 22 Nov 2018 PERFORMANCE 6 9 12 15 18 Clinical Clinical Laserthermia Systems Sweden Healthcare Commissioned Equity Research • 25 November 2019 KEY DATA Stock country Sweden Bloomberg CLSB SS Reuters CLSRb.ST Share price (close) SEK 10.25 Free Float 100% Market cap. (bn) EUR 0.03/SEK 0.35 Website Next report date 20 Feb 2020 PERFORMANCE Jan18 Aug18 Apr19 Nov19 6 9 Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB develops and sells single-use products used during each treatment procedure of treatment of solid tumors cancers. Its products include Thermal Therapy System, Mobile Laser Unit, Laser Applicator Non-cooled and Tissue Temp Probe. Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB (CLSB) | 416 följare på LinkedIn.

Clinical laserthermia systems sweden

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0. 7 apr 2020 BioStock intervjuar vd Lars-Erik Eriksson och Stephan Dymling, utvecklingschef CLS. 20 Dec 2019 Clinical Laserthermia Systems 20 December 2019. 4. Company Description. Clinical Laserthermia Systems (CLS) is a Swedish medical  Aims: to create a platform and network for clinical use of CAR T cells in Sweden. Examples of tasks and actions: Develop guidelines including indications and the   At the Thermtest Europe laboratory, located on the Swedish west coast, we Conductivity Meter is a portable measurement system for direct determination of  The Company, Medical Laser LTD, operates exclusively within the field of health and provides complete information about Therapeutic Medical Laser Systems and  CLS, Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB (ej officiell) has 440 members. Cancer är idag ett allvarligt hälsoproblem med stora samhällsekonomiska Welcome to Clinical Laserthermia Systems.

Lund, Sweden.

Clinical Laserthermia Systems Sweden Healthcare Commissioned Equity Research • 18 October 2018 KEY DATA Stock country Sweden Bloomberg CLSB SS Reuters CLSRb.ST Share price (close) SEK 8.08 Free Float 100% Market cap. (bn) EUR 0.03/SEK 0.28 Website Next report date 22 Nov 2018 PERFORMANCE 6 9 12 15 18 Clinical

Website Executives. Name/Title News feed of Clinical Laserthermia Systems. Clinical Laserthermia Systems är verksamma inom bioteknik.

Aktieägarna i Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB (publ) kallas till extra bolagsstämma onsdagen den 31 mars 2021. Mot bakgrund av Covid-19 

Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB (publ), publicerar delårsrapport  Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB (”CLS” eller ”Bolaget”) offentliggjorde den 18 december 2019 att styrelsen, med stöd av bolagsstämmans  2018-05-22 13:30 Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB: Nyemission. Hem » 2018-05-22 13:30 Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB: Nyemission. Av Aktieinvest.

Clinical laserthermia systems sweden

Search for: Welcome to Clinical Laserthermia Systems. CLS utvecklar metoder, system och engångsmaterial för minimalinvasiv behandling av cancertumörer. Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB (CLS) develops and markets the TRANBERG®|Thermal Therapy System, as well as disposable materials and methods,  Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB develops and sells single-use products used during each treatment procedure of treatment of solid tumors cancers. Senaste nyheter om - Clinical Laserthermia Systems, aktieanalys, kursutveckling och rapporter. Clinical Laserthermia Systems komplett bolagsfakta  Senaste nyheter om - Clinical Laserthermia Systems, aktieanalys, kursutveckling och Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB (publ) (CLS) kunde i april meddela dels vara införd i den av Euroclear Sweden AB förda aktieboken avseende förhållandena tisdagen den 23 mars 2021,; dels anmäla sig till  2017-04-25, Clinical Laserthermia systems (CLS), Karl Borrebaeck, styrelseordf, Förvärv, Aktier, 2017-04-21, 25000, Antal, 9,98, SEK, FIRST NORTH SWEDEN  Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB - Org.nummer: 5567058903.
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Clinical laserthermia systems sweden

26-02, CLS: Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB (publ), bokslutskommuniké januari  2017-11-17, Clinical Laserthermia systems AB, Cristina Pantaleone, Technical Manager Product Development, Förvärv, Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB  Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB - Org.nummer: 5567058903. Vid senaste bokslut 2019 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på -35,2%. Ansvarig är Dan  The Outcome. CLS beviljades 2,1 M Euro från SME-instrumentet, HORIZON 2020, fas 2. The Company.

SEK-0,01 SEK-0,29%. Nyheter om bolaget Nyheter Telegram Pressmeddelanden Analytikernas aktieråd.
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Euroclear Euroclear Sweden AB. Tidigare VPC. AktieTorget Handelsplatsen för Bolagets aktier. Företrädesemissionen Clinical Laserthermia Systems Sweden Healthcare Commissioned Equity Research • 18 October 2018 KEY DATA Stock country Sweden Bloomberg CLSB SS Reuters CLSRb.ST Share price (close) SEK 8.08 Free Float 100% Market cap. (bn) EUR 0.03/SEK 0.28 Website Next report date 22 Nov 2018 PERFORMANCE 6 9 12 15 18 Clinical Clinical Laserthermia Systems Sweden Healthcare Commissioned Equity Research • 25 November 2019 KEY DATA Stock country Sweden Bloomberg CLSB SS Reuters CLSRb.ST Share price (close) SEK 10.25 Free Float 100% Market cap. (bn) EUR 0.03/SEK 0.35 Website Next report date 20 Feb 2020 PERFORMANCE Jan18 Aug18 Apr19 Nov19 6 9 Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB develops and sells single-use products used during each treatment procedure of treatment of solid tumors cancers.

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Clinical Laserthermia Systems Americas Names Michael Magnani as Managing Director Thu, Oct 17, 2019 13:00 CET. Irvine, CA, October 17, 2019 - Clinical Laserthermia Systems Americas, Inc. (CLS Americas), a subsidiary of CLS AB in Lund, Sweden, today announced that industry veteran Michael Magnani has joined the company as Managing Director for the U.S. and North American markets.

B (CLS B). Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage.